srijeda, 22. listopada 2014.

SuperCity Hack cheat tool

We present you our new project today. It’s hack to SuperCity on Facebook Game. Super City Hack 1.5.x is very simple to use, as all of ours hacks, right? Even kids can use it. I am sure you will not have any problems with hack, because graphic interface and options are very simple and defaults set, so you do not have to change anything. We include video presentation below so you can watch it out after read text. You can also say this video as instruction how to use this hack. By using SuperCity Hack 1.5.x you are sure to not get ban or download some viruses on your computer. But if you do not believe us, you can easily check it out. After download all needed files, scan .rar file by your antivirus software. If your antivirus will detect some threads, it can be some code from source codes. It’s harmless code. But when I scan VoxelHack’s hacks, they are 100% clean. Super City Hack 1.5.x uses proxy. You can load your own list proxy, use public our ours. But it’s necessary, even without proxy generator will works but it will be slow than loaded proxy. This hack uses also Safe Mode, Recommended it’s Enabled option all the time. You can find it in Preferences > Safe Mode. There is all defaults, you shouldn’t change and edit anything. Another important option is Log Cleaner, do not change ANY OPTIONS of this tool because you will be can you detect. Log Cleaner is connects to game server and removes added resources to you account, by this tool you never get ban because administrators of SuperCity will not have any logs about you. Use our hack is 100% safe, but when Safe Mode and Log Cleaner are ENABLE else you can will be detected and get ban. Before run SuperCity Hack 1.5.x you have to log into you game and disable your antivirus for a few minutes because firewall can block access to some codes in source code of your software. While generator works you have to be logged into your game – It’s necessary because program won’t detect you! We share to you version of hack to Windows, Mac, Linux, Android – Your smartphone need to be connected to PC by usb cable! Our software doesn’t works an older version of windows than XP. This tool  doesn’t get any access to your personal data, meant saved passwords, e-mails etc. SuperCity Hack 1.5.x generates Coins and Super Bucks. By Downloading from this website your hack will works fine. 

Best Regards, 
SuperCity Hack Details:
  • Version: 1.5.0
  • Required: Internet Connection
  • Operating System: Mac / XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / Linux / Android (by USB cable)
  • Anti-Ban Protection: YES
  • Undetectable script: YES
  • File Size: 6.32 MB
SuperCity Hack Features:
  • Coins Generator
  • Super Bucks Generator